"All those powers, and you couldn't even stop little old me."
"You compensating for something with all that lightning?"
"Too good to be a bad guy, too bad to be a good guy. Aww, poor widdle Adam."
"Sure hope no one in Kahndaq finds out what a PUSHOVER their leader is, hahaha."
Unused Quotes[]
Menu Interactions[]
"You ever talk to that Rick guy? He's actually got some great ideas... if you can get past that insufferable ego."
"For someone without thumbs, you play quite well- oh, is it not 2031 yet? Sorry, no spoilies. (menacing laughter)"
"I can't decide whether I want that ridiculous rabbit as a slave or a hat. He is a toon, so maybe we can do both?"
"Once you figure out the joke, you'll be laughing too."
"I want you to go a few panels over, you click on Superman, and you tell him that I told you Lois and Jon's dinner looks DELICIOUS."
"Ooh, wait until you see the NEXT character they have lined up."
"You ever try dropping pearls in front of the other Batman? It's hilarious."
"You know, Eddie's theory is that the Joker just WANTS to be insane. He told me that right before I ripped his tongue out. Heheheh, best birthday party ever."
"I was thinking I could probably melt down that stretchy dog the same way I did Plastic Man. Smell was terrible, taste was worse, but... a perfect consistency."
"What's knife-shaped and made of metal? I don't know, but whatever it is, the doctor's gonna have a heck of a time pulling it out."
"Now you know who I want to meet? Dark Reindog. I bet that thing's a real son of a bitch." (Mature Language setting)
During The Morning[]
"Up and at 'em, sunshine."
"What, you here for the log-in rewards or something?"
"I put some cyanide- just a dash- in my coffee this morning, so I AM FEELING ALIVE."
"Back home, I'd be dropping dead parents on top of their childrens' schools right about now. Sorry, homesick."
During The Afternoon[]
"Wonder if any of these worlds serve a good marrow sandwich for lunch? That's when you take a leg bone and- you know what, I'll just show you later."
"I took a little peek down the timeline over lunch and BOY, there is some good stuff brewing, I'll tell you what."
During The Evening[]
"Mmm, night. No better time for slipping into the slow madness of contemplating the endless void of nothing that is our world, on and on and... well, I'll let you see the rest yourself."
"Have you seen the moon tonight? Perfect question to get someone to look up, expose that throat and then... (licks lips and chuckles maliciously)"
"I can't believe I used to restrict my activities to nighttime. Lot of madness left on the table there."
During The Winter Seasons[]
"Someone should check on Calendar Man. Holidays are really his bag."
"I remember Alfred used to love Christmas. I still hang his mustache on the tree every year in homage."
"Holidays already? I need to find an orphanage. You can never have too many Robins."
During The Player's Birthday[]
"You mean to tell me you made it to another birthday? Well, even a broken clock... can STAB someone, I suppose."
"A little tip from me to you: get someone else to taste your birthday cake first. Thank me later."
"Well, happy birthday. When my day comes to finally conquer the multiverse, I'll be sure to put you towards the BACK of the torture line."